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Sun Sign: Aquarius
Dates: January 20 - February 18
Birthstone: Amethyst
Symbol: The water bearer
Keywords: Loyal, social, idealists, independent thinkers, intellectual, unpredictable, stubborn, eccentric, anxious, cooperative
Ruling Planet: Uranus
Ruling House in the Zodiac: The 11th House - the House of friendship and networking, societies and clubs, hopes and wishes.
Element: Air
Quality: Fixed
Area of the Body: calves, shins, ankles, and circulatory system, as well as the lymphatic system.

As the eleventh sign of the zodiac, Aquarius represents the eleventh stage in the evolution of humanity and one's place in the universe.

Aquarius takes on the role of making the organizations of society function as the people-oriented institutions they were intended to be. Aquarians are the original "organization people" of the zodiac.

Their societal orientation, loyalty, fairness, and objective nature are reasons why they tend to attract many friends and acquaintances in life. Though they are not above wanting to live well, many Aquarians are more interested in people than they are in amassing great wealth or taking on the responsibilities that invariably accompany such a life style. When they cannot afford some luxury, they rationalize why they didn't need it in the first place.

Aquarians are stubborn and resist changing their opinions or accepting new ideas that they do not like or with which they do not agree. Big changes in life are accepted as a challenge, but small changes that throw off their plans are not tolerated very well. The astrological symbol for Aquarius is the figure of a man pouring water. The water is seen as mankind's collective consciousness. It depicts Aquarians as disseminators of the spirit of humanity. Many Aquarians, in tune with their celestial heritage, are idealists who champion the highest principles to which humanity can aspire. However they are also extremely independent thinkers. When confronted with authoritarian demands or dogmatic principles to which they do not subscribe, they rebel. They may hesitate to take the initiative at times, but once they decide a situation or idea is worthwhile, they become involved and aggressive in pushing it forward. They don't mind being asked to do something but they resent being told to do it. Those who want to gain their favor will help share the work load without being asked.

Aquarians react to everything they experience in life with an intellectual orientation. Before they take physical action, before they assess the practical worth of something, and before they sort out their true emotions, they try to visualize it objectively as a kind of mental exercise. In relationships, their intellectual approach makes them appear interested but not particularly passionate or possessive. It does not necessarily mean they really lack passion. When they do focus their feelings, their passion can be as intense as it is inspirational.

The modern ruler of Aquarius is Uranus, planet of the unorthodox and eclectic mentality of mankind. The ancient ruler of Aquarius is Saturn, planet of restriction and structure. Sir William Herschel discovered Uranus on March 13, 1781 by telescope. Although seen by the ancients, no one had accepted Uranus as a planet because it was so dim, until Sir William Herschel. Astrologers later agreed on assigning this planet to Aquarius.

Such different characteristics between the planets Saturn and Uranus seem to directly contradict one another, but a close look at the Aquarian personality shows that both planets co-exist in a strangely compatible way. Aquarians demonstrate association with Uranus by being unpredictable. Saturn's influence gives them stability. The two influences generally mean that when Aquarians suddenly change course, or do something unpredictable, they are not likely to be acting on a whim or a bet but for some very practical or advantageous reason. They favor the unique as well as the traditional. Sometimes they are either so involved with the past (history and antiques) or so tuned in to the future (spaceships and neon clothes) they lose track of the present. Exhibiting the stability of Saturn, they may live unvaried, even boring lives; feeling very comfortable and secure in such an unchanging, stable environment. Sooner or later however, they are apt to encounter circumstances that make it hard for them to know what they will be doing next. They often adopt life styles and ideas that are counter to current trends. The odd and unique fascinate them, and they are rarely caught off guard by abnormal situations and strange people.

Aquarians are good eaters but may not care what's on the menu. Most of them are indifferent cooks. As long as they can participate with a partner, or as part of a team they are enthusiastic about sports and, as a result, may not have trouble keeping physically fit. When left on their own however, they may become lazy and reluctant to engage in what to them is a lonely series of exercises with which they quickly become bored. Broad jumping, camping, ballooning, tennis, swimming, racquetball, and baseball are some great activities for an Aquarius. Science and engineering, international finance, writing, music, psychology or social work are areas of special interest to Aquarians.

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Chart analysis provided by Stephanie, Copyright 2002-2008.